2010 Anna University Chennai B.E PH2111(182101) Engineering Physics I Question paper first semester
11:24 PM
Posted by Vinoth
B.E./B.Tech.Degree Examinations, November/December 2010
Regulations 2008
First Semester
Common to all branches
PH2111 Engineering Physics I
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL Questions
Part A - (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. List down the disadvantages of piezoelectric effect.
2. Compare transmission and refection modes of non destructive testing using ultra-
3. Why i s population inversion necessary to achieve lasing?
4. How is electrons and holes confinement made in the active region of hetero-junction
5. What are the different types of classification of optical fibers?
6. Explain dispersion in an optical fiber.
7. Define black body and black body radiation.
8. What is meant by wave function?
9. An element has a HCP structure. If the radius of the atom i s 1.605ºA, ¯nd the
height of unit cell.
10. What is meant by a `Schottky pair'?
Part B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11. (a) With a neat diagram explain the method of production of ultrasound using
piezoelectric crystal. (16)
11. (b) (i) With a neat diagram, discuss the principle and inspection method of ultrasonic fa detector. (Marks 12)
(ii) Calculate the velocity of ultrasonic waves in water using acoustic grating. The frequency of the ultrasonic wave generated by transducer is 2
MHz. The diffraction angle measured i s 8'45" in the third order diffraction pattern. Wavelength of laser light used in this experiment i s 6328ºA.
(Marks 4)
12. (a) Discuss the Einstein's theory of stimulated absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission of radiation. What are the conditions for light amplification?
(Marks 16)
12. (b) (i) What is hologram? What are the necessary steps involved in recording
and reconstruction of a hologram? (Marks 12)
(ii) Compare holography with photography. (Marks 4)
13. (a) (i) Explain the basic structure of an optical fiber and discuss the principle of
transmission of light through optical fibers. (Marks 5)
(ii) Derive an expression for numerical aperture. (Marks 5)
(iii) Brie°y discuss a technique of optical fiber drawing. (Marks 6)
13. (b) Explain the concept of optical fiber sensors and describe in detail about any
two sensors. (Marks 6 + 10)
14. (a) (i) What i s meant by matter wave? (Marks 2)
(ii) Derive an expression for the wavelength of matter wave. (Marks 8)
(iii) Describe an experiment that verifies the existence of matter waves. (Marks 6)
14. (b) Solve Schrodinger's wave equation for a particle in a box (one dimensional)
and obtain the energy and eigen function. (Marks 16)
15. (a) (i) Define atomic packing factor. (Marks 2)
(ii) Calculate the number of atoms, atomic radius, coordination number and
atomic packing fraction for BCC and FCC structures. (Marks 10)
(iii) The distance between successive planes of Miller indices (111) is 2.078ºA
for a metal having FCC structure. Find the atomic radius and volume of
its unit cell. (Marks 4)
15. (b) (i) Define the terms polymorphism and allotrope. (Marks 2)
(ii) Explain in detail the crystal defects and their types. (Marks 14)
2010 Anna University Chennai B.E HS2111(186101) Technical English I Previous Year Question paper
6:28 AM
Posted by Vinoth
Date Of Result For First Semester Anna university Of Technology
6:21 AM
Posted by Vinoth
HS2111(186101) TECHNICAL ENGLISH - I SYLLABUS anna university of technology
4:45 AM
Posted by Vinoth
1. To help students develop listening skills for academic and professional purposes.
2. To help students acquire the ability to speak effectively in English in real life situations.
3. To inculcate reading habit and to develop effective reading skills.
4. To help students improve their active and passive vocabulary.
5. To familiarize students with different rhetorical functions of scientific English.
6. To enable students write letters and reports effectively in formal and business situations.
General Vocabulary - changing words from one form to another - Adjectives-comparative adjectives – Adverbs - Active and passive voice – Tenses - simple present, present continuous - Adverb forms – Nouns – compound nouns - Skimming and scanning - Listening and transfer of information – bar chart, flowchart - Paragraph writing, description – Discussing as a group and making an oral report on the points discussed, conversation techniques - convincing others.
Suggested activities:
1. Matching words & meanings - Using words in context – Making sentences.
2. Changing sentences from active to passive voice & vice versa.
3. Skimming, cloze exercises, exercises transferring information from text to graphic form – bar charts, flow charts.
4. Writing descriptions using descriptive words & phrases, and technical vocabulary.
5. Role play, conversation exercises, discussions, oral reporting exercises
Any other related relevant classroom activity
Vocabulary – prefixes & suffixes – simple past tense - Spelling and punctuation –
‘wh’ Question forms - Scanning, inference - Listening & note-taking - Paragraph
writing - comparison and contrast - Creative thinking and speaking.
Suggested Activities:
1. a. Vocabulary actiivities using prefixes and suffixes.
b. Exercises using questions – asking & answering questions.
2. Scanning the text for specific information
3. Listening guided note-taking - Writing paragraphs using notes, giving
suitable headings and subheadings for paragraphs. Using expressions of
comparison and contrast.
4. Discussion activities and exploring creative ideas.
Any other related relevant classroom activity
Tenses - simple past, simple future and past perfect - Reading in Context -Listening
& note-taking – single line – Definitions – sequencing of sentences – instruction -
Persuasive speaking.
Suggested activities:
1. a. Providing appropriate context for the use of tenses
2. Listening and note-taking
3. (a) Writing sentence definitions, instructions
(b) Identifying the discourse links and sequencing jumbled sentences /
writing instructions.
4. Speaking exercises, discussions, role play exercises using explaining,
convincing and persuasive strategies
Any other related relevant classroom activity
Modal verbs and Probability – Concord subject verb agreement – Correction of errors
- Cause and effect expressions – Extended Definition - Speaking about the future
Suggested activities:
1. a. Making sentences using modal verbs to express probability
b. Gap filling using relevant grammatical form of words.
2. Writing extended definitions
3. Speaking - role play activities, discussions, extempore speaking exercises speculating about the future.
4. Any other related relevant classroom activity
‘If’ conditionals – Gerunds - Intensive reading - Speaking – Presentation of problems
& solutions - Itinerary – planning for an industrial visit - Formal Letter writing – Letter
to the editor, invititation letter, accepting, declining letter and permission letter.
Suggested activities:
1. a) Sentence completion exercises using ‘If’ conditionals.
b) Gap filling exercises using gerunds and present participle forms
2. Reading comprehension exercises.
3. Role play, discussion, debating and speaking activities for stating, discussing
problems and suggesting solutions.
4. Planning a tour, Writing a travel itinerary. Writing letters to officials and to the
editor in formal/official contexts.
Any other related relevant classroom activity
1. Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, Anna University, ‘English
for Engineers and Technologists’ Combined Edition (Volumes 1 & 2),
Chennai: Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd., 2006. Themes 1 – 4 (Resources,
Energy, Computer, Transport)
1. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, ‘Technical Communication
English skills for Engineers’, Oxford University Press, 2008.
2. Andrea, J. Rutherford, ‘Basic Communication Skills for Technology’,
Second Edition, Pearson Education, 2007.
Fundamentals of Computing And Programming 185102(GE2112) Important Questions For Anna University Of technology First Semester Exams
11:08 PM
Posted by Vinoth
evolution of computer
Basic operation of computer
Characteristics Of Computer
Types of computer
Software development steps
Internet Terminology
Evolution Of Internet
Multiplication of two matrix
To print even no from 2 to 100
To find given number is prime or not
Feature of word processor, spreadsheet
Decision statement
Structure of C
Unformatted i/o statements
Types Of Operator
Short note on structure and unions
Notes on preprocessor
Developing a C program
program to print the no. in reverse order
print the even no. between 1 and 100
Change in First Semester Anna University of Technology University Exams Timetable
1:34 AM
Posted by Vinoth
Don't Worry About change in timetable.
Till now there is no change in timetable.
We will inform you If there is any change in timetable. To Know about any further change follow us
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INTELZECH '11 Promotional
8:34 AM
Posted by Vinoth
This poster is rough copy
promotional content
when is the anna university B.E/B.Tech results November December 2010 for 3rd, 4th,5th,6th,7th and 8th semester result will be announced
4:30 AM
Posted by Vinoth
If you want to get the anna university B.E/B.Tech results November December 2010 for 3rd, 4th,5th,6th,7th and 8th semester result announcement in your email or you need it in your mobile inbox(sms) Click below
click Here for result:
Exam Preparatory Points of B.E/B.Tech and Tips for Presenting an Exam Paper
8:34 PM
Posted by Vinoth
For this instance, we are going to look into the pattern of exams and preparatory cum presentation methods that we need to follow in any affiliated institutions of Anna University, Chennai.
Anna University Semester Exam Pattern
Any affiliated college that comes under Anna University is supposed to follow the pattern of examinations, that is governed by the Examination Center, leaded by the Controller of Examinations, Anna University, Chennai. In the life span of 4 years of Engineering, an engineering student is supposed to write 8 semester exams which include various subjects as per the prescribed portions.
Year-wise concept of Engineering Syllabus
The first year Engineering studies is a general one, which involves basics sciences and one or two department subjects' basics.
The second year Engineering studies is when the student gets into his main stream of Engineering. Second year is a part where the students need to focus on the concepts rather than mugging up the syllabus for name sake. A student, who has very well understood the concepts in his second year, will have no fear of completing the other semesters and years.
In the third year Engineering studies, the student focuses of other areas, which also includes subjects other than his main stream. This is the time when he can understand concepts and learn the gist of many subjects, at least the basic principles, something other than his own stream. Say, if the preferred stream is Electrical and Electronics, the syllabus gives him much teachings on Electronics, rather than electrical as in the second year. This will help him to understand what he needs to understand to get placed in a good company.
In the fourth year Engineering studies, the student is supposed to apply whatever he has learned through all these years and make a project out of it. If the student is well aware of all the concepts that all the previous semesters have taught him, definitely he can make his project better.
This way, Anna University syllabus plans to mold a student into an engineer. Not only, this, Anna University has made it compulsory that the students of any stream it may be, should be compulsorily taken to Industries forIndustrial Visit, once at least in every year. This will impart the student best practical knowledge and help him understand how theoretical concepts are applied practically.
Exam Preparatory Points of B.E/B.Tech
Some say it is psychological effect, some fate, some not enough preparation - for not getting good marks in exams. Let them be aside. To prepare for an Anna University exam, some points are really important.
Though we may expect qualified teachers to correct the exam papers, it does not happen all the time and moreover sometimes, the staff correcting the paper might not have enough time to look into the paper and read line by line. So, it depends on us to stimulate them to award more marks, even without reading the paper. Not only presentation, but preparation is also very important for this concept.
1. When you start studying, remember that your paper is not going to get valued line by line. Hence read the concept first and understand it better. You can do this faster than mugging up the entire question line by line.
2. Understand all the concepts and answers in Tamil and then translate it to English in the paper. This will give you better understanding and happiness in reading.
3. Important points are Laws, Rules which may constitute 3-4 lines out of a two paged answer. Learn them thoroughly.
4. When preparing equations, be sure to note the units and the explanation for the quantities used.
5. Draw and practice the Engineering diagrams on a paper rather than air.
6. Make sure you understand the question well before reading and the possibility of twisting the words for the same question and answer.
7. Study technical terms, technically.
8. Group discussions with friends are the best to understand concepts.
9. Guess the number of questions that can be asked from a unit before starting the preparation. This will also help you to guess out-of-portion questions which when attended will fetch you maximum marks.
10. Do quality studying than quantity studying.
Now you are prepared well. Remember, it does not really matter how much you have studied. What matters is "how you present your paper". Many of you, doing engineering under Anna University or affiliated Institutions, if I am right should have at least once thought, "Why is he getting more marks than me when he also did not read anything?" or "I read this paper well, but how did I fail?" – For all these, the answer is simple. Your presentation was not up to the mark.
Okay. How do you present the paper well?
Tips for Presenting an Exam Paper
1. Make sure you write the contents in points rather than paragraphs.
2. Draw as much as diagrams as possible. Remember, drawings can give your paper a very good impression rather than text.
3. Use black and blue colors only. Black to highlight important points and blue to write contents.
4. Use soft pens. Pens should not blot its ink on the paper, which will be highly irritating.
5. Remember to write appropriate sub-headings.
6. Necessarily, draw a line after every question.
7. Write legibly even if your hand writing is not good. Take enough space between words.
8. Write concepts clearly with black pen. If you are not sure of something, better don't highlight it.
9. Don't create any false expression in the paper.
10. Use mathematical concepts to explain equations clearly. Also explain the quantities with units.
With all these on the go and enough preparation, definitely you can secure more than 70% marks in all subjects
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